
Hooks are a powerful feature that allow developers to inject custom logic.

They enable seamless integration of external processes, providing flexibility and control over how Operators, Tasks are handled within the system. The Othentic Stack allows developers to implement custom logic at the following stages.

  • Operator Management: The AVSGovernance contract offers hooks for managing operator registration and deregistration. Developers can implement custom logic for handling these events, such as additional checks or notifications during operator registration or deregistration.

  • Task Submission: The AVSLogic contract provides pre- and post-execution hooks for task submissions on-chain, enabling a highly flexible and customizable approach to task management.

  • Payment Request: The IBeforePaymentsLogic contract provides a pre-execution hook that allows developers to manipulate payment requests on-chain, such as validations before completing the request.

  • Rewards Fee Calculator: The Othentic Stack supports the creation of a FeeCalculator contract, which acts as a hook for calculating task submission rewards. This provides flexibility to implement customized reward structures and logic for calculating and distributing fees, enabling more tailored economic models.

Read more about the implementation and deployment for each in their respective sections.

Last updated