💰Operator Deposit

To have shares in EigenLayer protocol and operate the network, participants must deposit any LST shares into EigenLayer's delegation manager.

Using the CLI

This is the recommended approach.

The Othentic CLI streamlines the staking process on EigenLayer protocol and supports multiple strategies. This command also supports conversions between ETH and LRTs.

To do so, issue the following command:

othentic-cli operator deposit --strategy <name:string> --shares <float> --convert <float>

To deposit on mainnet add: --l1-chain mainnet

Command Options:

strategy is the name of LRT, the following are the optional strategies:

  • stETH

  • rETH

  • wETH

shares is the amount in strategy token to be staked on EigenLayer.

convert is the amount of ETH to be converted for strategy token.

For Example:

othentic-cli operator deposit --strategy stETH --shares 0.001 --convert 0.002

This will start up the process of depositing as an Operator on EigenLayer.

Manual Deposit Process

Instructions for Holesky Testnet

Depositing as an Operator on EigenLayer is a two-step process:

  1. Acquire stETH

  2. Stake with EigenLayer

Get stETH


stETH ERC20 Contract

How to

The stETH address on Holesky is: 0x3F1c547b21f65e10480dE3ad8E19fAAC46C95034

To generate stETH on Holesky, simply transfer any ETH amount to the stETH contract.

See the example transaction here.

Stake with EigenLayer


stETH ERC20 Contract

stETH StrategyManager

How to

To stake with EigenLayer, you need to deposit stETH into the stETH Strategy contract.

First, approve the StrategyManager account as spender on your stETH:

Values should be:

  • _spender: 0xA744429bf286789225308a81A5a4b8049562A362

  • _amount: 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935

Then, find the depositIntoStrategy function on the StrategyManager contract and call it with the amount you'd like to restake:

The parameters to pass should be:

  • strategy: 0x96D47307C2844fb46792BcEFC903855440b4b2ad

  • token: 0x3F1c547b21f65e10480dE3ad8E19fAAC46C95034

  • amount: amount you'd like to re-stake

To make sure your tokens got deposited, go to the strategy contract and call the function shares.

Last updated