Attestation Center


The Attestation Center allows diverse AVS functionalities and enables cost-effective, high-throughput task submissions while also serving as a verified data layer.

The Attestation Center is a critical system designed to ensure the integrity and efficiency of AVS operations by bridging off-chain execution with on-chain verification and maintaining a transparent history of all activities involved.

AVS Operators attest to the execution and validity of tasks through the consensus process. Operators claims are being recorded while the network comes to a consensus on arbitrary compute and auxiliary datasets, which allows the AVS to perform various functionalities on top of the verified results.

Key Details

Task submission and verification - allows AVS Operators to submit their off-chain tasks and verify them on-chain, ensuring that the tasks lifecycle can be tracked, recorded, and validated.

Rewards and penalties distribution - stores detailed information about individual Operator work, which allows the AVS protocol to calculate and distribute rewards, slashing, and penalties.

Aggregated view of AVS activities - maintains a comprehensive view and historical data of the AVS footprint, including all activities and tasks performed by the AVS.

Verified auxiliary datasets - As part of the task submission, Operators also agree on auxiliary info about the task and make it available on-chain (via the property). These datasets could be used to trigger AVS logic and complex mechanisms.

  • For example, zk proofs can use the proofOfTask field for SNARK proofs while using the for public inputs and outputs to the circuit.

  • For example, price oracle can be used as a timestamp for fetched data feeds.

Creation of new Tasks - configure diverse types of tasks with different corresponding rewards and penalties. You can also define a policy of bare requirements for specific clusters of operators.

Operator interface - interface for AVS Operators, facilitating their interaction with the system and allowing Operators to manage tasks, view history, and interact efficiently with the AVS.

AttestationCenter Functions

submitTask(TaskInfo calldata _taskInfo, bool _isApproved, bytes calldata _tpSignature, uint256[2] calldata _taSignature, uint256[] calldata _operatorIds) external 



The ID of specific Task definition



ProofOfTask: any string that the Attesters can use to verify that the Performer has executed its task as expected.


Any auxiliary/metadata required by the AVS or the service consumer to be verified.



The address of the Task Performer.



Indicate if a task has been approved or rejected by the Attesters.



Task Performer ECDSA signature.



Task Attesters BLS aggregated signature.



Task Attesters IDs

Creating Task Definitions

Not all Tasks are the same. You may have multiple Tasks you wish to execute, each with different parameters, corresponding rewards, and operator clusters. You can set the configuration of Tasks through Task Definition.

To create a new Task Definition, we invoke the createNewTaskDefinition() method:

const attestationCenter = new ethers.Contract(
  ['function createNewTaskDefinition(string,(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256[])) external']

const tx = await attestationCenter.createNewTaskDefinition(
  "Example Task",             // Human-readable name
  ethers.MaxUint256,          // Never expires
  ethers.parseEther('0.01'),  // Reward for attestation
  ethers.parseEther('0.1'),   // Reward for performer
  ethers.parseEther('0.005'), // Reward for aggregation
  0,                          // Disable disputes
  0,                          // Minimum Voting Power
  []                          // Restricted Operator Set 

await tx.wait();

setTaskDefinitionMinVotingPower(uint16, uint256)

Set the minimum voting power for the task definition. Learn more here.




Task Definition ID



Minimum Voting Power

setTaskDefinitionRestrictedOperators(uint16, uint256[])

Set the Restricted Operator set for the task definition. Learn more here.




Task Definition ID



Restricted Operator Set

Last updated